The ABC Club is for adults, babies and (pre-school) children to play, learn and socialise. The Club is on Monday afternoons, during term times, between 1.45pm – 3.15pm in the Parish Hall. At the end of some school terms we run special ABC Plus which include extra things such as a bouncy castle, party games, party food and cakes.
The membership is ever growing; we have over 80 children registered with an average of 35 children coming along each week with their parents and carers.
We rely on volunteers to run all of the activities and prepare the refreshments.
These volunteers have been through the appropriate safety checks.
All Stars & Supastars
These lunchtime Christian groups, based at North Ferriby CE Primary School, meet on Monday lunchtimes for Key Stage 1 (infants) and Wednesday lunchtimes for KS2 (Juniors).
They are led by Sheena Brailsford with the support of Ben Wood
Along with learning from the Bible, the groups play games, sing Christian songs and do craft activities. A good number of boys and girls come along each week and have great fun!
For more information please contact Sheena Brailsford at the vicarage 631306.