All Saints’ bell-ringers practice on Wednesday each week from 7.30pm until 9pm. They ring on Sunday mornings from 9.50am until 10.30am to signify the start of a service and at other special services such as weddings. The bells are also rung at times of national joy or sorrow, for example at New Year or following the death of a monarch.
Watch a video clip of the bell-ringers in action..
What is bell ringing?
Church bell ringing, technically known as campanology, is the art of sounding a bell by pulling on a rope connected to a bell in the church’s tower. A bell-ringer may only safely ring one bell at one time so to ring six bells, six bell-ringers are needed. Bell-ringers learn numerical sequences and work together to create a peal. The way the bells are rung is usually suited to the mood of the event.
Interested in learning how to ring?
We may be able to help you. You are welcome to visit us during any practice session or after church on Sunday mornings.
Want to be sociable?
Usually, on the first Wednesday of any month, after ringing practice we go to the local pub and order sandwiches and chips. You would be made very welcome. We arrange days and meals out together throughout the year, sometimes ringing and attending meetings at other churches in the area. Ringing improvement courses are available. We arrange quizzes to raise money for our church building and the bells.
Want to know more?
Ring Lisa Wyndham on 634823.
We are part of the Beverley & District Ringing Society –