
 Welcome to the All Saints’ North Ferriby community. We are a church family who seek to be grateful to God for His goodness  in Jesus,  made known to us in the Bible, and to share His love and serve others in the strength of His Holy Spirit.    

OUR MAIN SERVICES ARE HELD EACH SUNDAY MORNING AT 10.30am   (MS = Morning Service with children’s groups, HC = Holy Communion with children’s groups, FS = Family Service with all ages in church together)

It’s not about us– it’s about Jesus!   (Lessons from  2 Corinthians 1-7)


7 FS    True Encouragement   7:2-16       

14 FS Water into wine John 2:1-12  

Being Human – How to understand God’s plan

21 MS  God’s Image Bearers Psalm 8    Also July 21st– 6.30pm in All Saints’. HC Service from the Book of Common Prayer with the choir.

28 HC   Significance Psalm 139 :1-18


4 FS   The Race of Life    1 Cors 9:19-25

11 FS    Connection      Luke 15:11-32

18  FS    Presence       Psalm 27

25 FHC  Participation  Luke 8:22-25


1 FS   How to be human   Colossians 1:15-23

MS = Morning Service with children’s groups

HC = Holy Communion with children’s groups

FS = Family Service with all ages in church together

FHC = Family Service with all ages in church together with Holy Communion


Other events

July 21st– 6.30pm in All Saints’. HC Service from the Book of Common Prayer with the choir.

All Saints – Serving our community