
many thanks to everyone who has continued to give generously to the church, through new and existing standing orders, through bank transfers and by forwarding cheques to me.  I am sure that some will be keeping their gift aid envelopes ready for when it is possible to bring them to church – which hopefully won’t be too long now. This has meant that our reserves will last a lot longer!

I’ve repeated our bank details here (to use for Standing Orders and bank transfers) – the address is the one the bank still provides but is not one that can receive post):-

Account name:        PCC All Saints Church North Ferriby

Account Number:    71023918

Sort code:               40-25-18.

Bank Address:         HSBC, 55 Whitefriargate, Hull HU1 2HX.

There is now an additional way to give (using the same company as for the card reader in church) through an online donation page which can be found at the link –
(If you pay tax please complete the gift aid declaration to make sure I can claim the extra 25% from HMRC).”

All Saints – Serving our community